Exchanging Songs (Flute, Saxophone, Right Hand single notes only)

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Exchanging Songs (Flute, Saxophone, Right Hand single notes only)

Hi there,

I now have a starting set of 15 songs that range from easy to hard. I am using a roland aerophone which is a wind instrument. Hence I can only play single notes at a time.

This is how I do it:
1) Load midi files from https://freemidi.org/ (the best site that I could find)
2) Edit them with MidiEditor

If anyone would like to exchange songs let me know. Just click on my name and send me an email.

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Re: Exchanging Songs (Flute, Saxophone, Right Hand single notes only)

Louis B.
I hope Piano Booster is helping you learn the roland aerophone. I don't know if you would find this link useful https://musescore.com/sheetmusic you can download midi files as well as the sheet music. If you sort by Rating and click the saxophone as the instrument there are quite a few good solo pieces.

My main instrument is the flute and also I have EWI5000 (although it is faulty at the moment as it needs a special replacement battery)

Are are any of your tunes you are learning copyright free? If so i would be interested to try them out.
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Re: Exchanging Songs (Flute, Saxophone, Right Hand single notes only)

Hey Louis,

great tip! Had to find out that I can only download Public Domain for free. But I found a german song that we sing in church a lot. Very easy and short but also relaxing to play :) . Need to think about joining pro there.
