I'm new to this, but having a go at entering in music. It seems that abc doesn't handle having notes simultaneously in one hand very well - the pdf output treats that bar as if it had two voices.
I'm more used to using Lilypond, but I can't figure out how to specify channels for lilypond's midi output. The midi2ly and abc2ly functions don't work straight out of the box. Has anyone else figured out a way to use Lilypond to prepare music for Piano Booster?
Thank you heaps for this software - I got a keyboard with smartmusic in mind, but I use Linux and the whole proprietary software thing rankles. My son took one look at Piano Booster and said "How do I make my own music?" I like being able to make your own music rather than relying on buying access to modern libraries. There is so much classical music out there! And to pass on the folk music too.