I have just received this email from Nico.
I thought it best to answer it in this dev forum.
Hello Louis,
first of all congratulations for so magnific piece of software!
I just wanted to tell you that I'm almost starting to try to understand your code and afterwards try to work under it and adding new functionalities. :)
Just let me present myself:
I'm a computer engineer student and need to make some final course project to graduate, and I'm on the way to choose a "small" transformation on Piano booster.
I tryed the program, had a look on the forums a bit and will start soon having an eye on the code :). I mean I still don't have a nice view on the project, but I do on what I want to get:
I would like to transform (or add the ability to) pianobooster into a monofonic instrumental karaoke. I just read on forums that you play flute, so I suppose that this idea had came to you first also (flute is the monofonic instrument I'm thinking on, even when the implementation would work with lots more)... Just want to know what do you think about, how do you see it in dificulty, chances of succes, amount of work, etc... And just make you know... may be you become interested on helping, giving me some tips, etc :D
¡¡Again thank you very much for giving this marvellous piece of software to the world!! I will try to learn something from it!
This idea came up some time ago when the PB was first released. Read threads following this post by Loki
http://linux-audio.4202.n7.nabble.com/PianoBooster-version-0-5-0-has-just-been-released-td41456.html#a41460it all depends on getting a good audio2midi/wave2Midi converter with low latencies, no changes to PB are required. as you just connect the output up to PB midi input using some sort of midi loop back.
Nico, Do you play the piano or musical instrument or sing? What instrument do you play?
if you can play the piano then I have a project that might be interested in (but it does depend on you being able to play the piano).
Also I am extremely busy at the moment so I cannot really devot any time to help you, sorry.
Please reply here rather than sending me private messages.