Compling PB 0.6.4b on Windows XP

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Compling PB 0.6.4b on Windows XP


I am trying to compile PB 0.6.4b on Windows XP. The executable was generated in ../src/release directory.
When I double clicked it, it complaints  about a procedure in QtCore4.dll.

Qt SDK 4.6.2 with Qt Creator 1.3.1

The QtCore4.dll that comes with Qt SDK 4.6.2 is 2,101KB. While the one that comes with PB Windows installer is 2,663KB. I guess that the issue is that I am using a different version of Qt SDK.

What is the correct version of Qt SDK for PB 0.6.4b?

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Compling PB 0.6.4b on Windows XP


I kind of solved the problem myself.

I changed the CONFIG to debug and no using precomile_header.

#CONFIG += release
CONFIG += debug

#CONFIG += precompile_header

The compilation was successful and the program was launched from within Qt Creator.

-- ec0000
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Re: Compling PB 0.6.4b on Windows XP

Louis B.
I am glad you got it working. You can either run PB from the QT command prompt window (this has all the search paths setup) or just copy all the missing qt dll from the QT toolkit into the same dir as the PB .exe file.

If you use TortoiseSVN you can compile the latest code from svn. If you make any improvements or fixes pls let me know.


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Re: Compling PB 0.6.4b on Windows XP

Hi Louis,

I've compiled the latest beta to windows, to have new light keyboard support for windows users.
Executable is here:

Do you think it will be useful to put to PB homepage in download section?
