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Colour Changes to Score, New XML based config?

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Colour Changes to Score, New XML based config?

Hi Louis,

I can confirm that the black on white is much better from my partners point of view. As for including it as an option, I'd be very happy for you to do this.

I was considering though that as all of the changes are already set as options in the cfg.h file, would it possibly be fruitful to create an xml settings file that PB gets it's settings from (ie, colours). With an xml config file driving the system, it would open up the ability for users to choose custom colours for the score. I dont imagie this would be hard to acheive and will look into it over the coming week as I get a chance.

Other advantages of a dedicated config file would also mean you can add options like the note duration display changes as per ec0000's suggestions, something I might add, my partner also much prefers over the standard setup.

Just some idea's to throw your way,

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Re: Colour Changes to Score, New XML based config?

Louis B.
Hi David,

Ok good I am quite happy for this to go into the source tree now. So let's go ahead and do this between us. Please can you update from svn as I have recently made a lot of changes to the source code.

The first change I would like you to make is to move all the colours into cfg,h. Then we can have both sets or colours side by side, with a #ifdef WHITE_THEME_OPTION to select all your colours over mine. When you have done that could you please send me a patch (using TortoiseSVN maybe) so that I can see your colour choices and I will then apply your colour changes to the source tree.

You may be interested on trying out a new feature called "Rhythm Tapping" which I have just added to svn. You just use one key on the piano to tap out the rhythm on the piano which is espescially good for beginners to just learn the correct rhythm. More in a different post.

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Re: Colour Changes to Score, New XML based config?


I am new to PianoBooster but have already used it in my piano lessons to little children. They love it!

I am also interested in the latest development so I downloaded the SVN sources.
At first it would not compile (on Linux Fedora 16), to be more precise: it would not link.
A known issue. See: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/UnderstandingDSOLinkChange

After "cmake ." and a failing "make" I edited the file pianobooster/trunk/PianoBooster/build/CMakeFiles/pianobooster.dir/link.txt by adding "-lpthread -lGL" to the linker command. Then I tried "make" again, now with more success. I am not sure if this is the correct way to do this in a local SVN copy, but at least I have a working binary now. Maybe someone can fix this issue the proper way in SVN, so I don't have to do the patch/hack myself.

I am also really interested in the discussion about black notes on a white background. When can we expect this to appear in SVN (or is it already there somewhere where I can't find it?). I have the same experience with my pupils as a former poster. The kids get confused by the black screen with green notes.

I have yet another feature request: I would really love to see that PianoBooster can display a Piano Staff not only with a Bass clef for the left hand and a Treble clef for the right hand. Two treble clefs are very common in piano music, just like two bass clefs. That would make it possible to practice all the quatre-mains music - evryone knows Diabelli ? - using PianoBooster, but also solo tunes that are written in the range of two treble clefs.

I hope development on this project will continue!

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Re: Colour Changes to Score, New XML based config?

In reply to this post by david