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Chords stop when more than 3 keys are pressed

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Chords stop when more than 3 keys are pressed

This post was updated on Sep 22, 2012; 2:23pm.
I recently got a midi capable keyboard and used it with piano booster.
My play has greatly improved because of that but now i have hit a snag.
The problem is that whenever i play and hold a chord with three or more keys the note is cut off.
This also happens when i strike and hold two notes and, after holding a bit, strike a third while still holding the first two.
However striking and holding the same three notes again produces the proper sound wihout beeing cut off.
heres a sheet showing what i mean

i'm having trouble recording an audio exaple right now but will upload one as soon as i can.

I am using coolsoft midisynth with different .sf2 samples.
The .sf2 shouldn't be the cause, i've tried many different ones, ranging from simple chipsounds to large piano samples.

The synth doesn't seem to be the cause either as the same thing happens with the windows one.

When i run MidiOx instead of Pianobooster erverything sounds as it should be.

When looking at the midiox output you can see that whenever more than three notes that have not been pressed together before are pressed the "all notes off" command gets sent before the keys are released.

My guess is that pianobooster reacts to this command by muting all notes prematurely.

The question now is: Waht is the cause? My Keyboard? my usb-midi interface? some sofware setting.
And most importantly, what can i do?

I would be very happy if someone helped me with this, practicing one hand at a time works but playing both sounds like a mess.
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Re: Chord stop when more than 3 keys are pressed

I found a solution for the mentioned problem, a clunky one but it works.

I noticed that in midiox the chords were played properly, without cutting them off before the keys were released. But one of the chords notes would frequently get stuck. I didn't notice this at first but it is obvious when playing.
I suspect midiox ignores the "all notes off" message shown above but then also drops regular off messages for notes.

This does not happen in piano bosster, it instead cuts the chords short when they are "new". When striking one chord multiple times the first one is cut short but the following ones play fine without stuck notes, unlike in midiox.
I think that piano booster accurately interprets the all the signals, even the strange "all notes off" message.

My idea was to combine the two programs.
Luckily midiox has the option to filter midi signals before passing them on.

All that has to be done is filter the signal through midiox, pass it on into paino booster and into the synth from there.

This can be done with the free software loopbe1 internal, its basically a virtual midi cable.

The setup is as follows:
MidiOx receives the input from the midi device and filters out all "all note off" messages.
loopbe1 is set as the output device.
Piano booster has loopbe1 as input device and the synth as output.

Now everything works as expected.
The only thing that i noticed is that piano booster has a slight latency while midiox has virtually none.
But that is a different topic and it doesn't bother me too much.

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Re: Chords stop when more than 3 keys are pressed

Louis B.
In reply to this post by boosted
Hi I am the author of PianoBooster (which i have not been giving it much attention for some time now - sorry -- but it is free)

looking at MidiOx I guess you are a windows user. (please confirm). I mainly use it on Linux.

So what version of PB are you using?

The easy way for me to debug this for try running the exact same MIDI file that you are using and then compare the midiout I am geing with your midi output

Please provide me the MIDI file that you are using. Preferably please find the simplest MIDI file that shows the problem. (If you can edit the MIDI file to remove extra channels and still shows the problem even better)

Do you think you are capable of compiling from source?

An audio recording would be great, do you have a phone that can do recordings?


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Re: Chords stop when more than 3 keys are pressed

Louis B.
Ok looking at your midi dump there is something I don't understand each note is appearing TWICE. eg there are TWO note ons for "E". What are the headings for MIDIox? there is a column with 1 & 3 in it. What is that about?
