!Buying Piano Booster for modifying and resale...

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!Buying Piano Booster for modifying and resale...

Hi Folks,

I would like to use Piano Booster for the basement of a program I would like do develop. In the end it should be a more graphical and user friendly version of the existing one for teaching kids to play piano. I am not a geek in GPL and I quite don´t understand all of the terms, but is it possible to do this in any kind of way?

I hope some of you can give me an anser or can get me in contact to the inventor of this beautiful program.

Anyway, have fun though and thank´s for your help.



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Re: !Buying Piano Booster for modifying and resale...

Louis B.
Hello Gerrit,

I am the copyright holder and the author of Piano Booster. You cannot copy Piano Booster for resale without:
a) having permission of the author (under copyright law).


b) abiding by the terms of the GPL licence. Under GPL you can resell PB provided you also make all the source code freely available including all the code that you added to PB.

For an explanation on GPL see this link Open_Source_License

Generally I would prefer you to make your changes to PB under GPL as well but I will contact you off line about any other suggestions you have.
