0.6.4b builds/runs on ubuntu 10.10 RC

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0.6.4b builds/runs on ubuntu 10.10 RC

Pianobooster 0.6.4b (.tar.gz sourceforge download) builds and runs okay on ubuntu 10.10 RC. I posted a method to test the build and operation from a USB drive: wiki:Building_from_Source

I need to test the script described on that page some more, as some tools (e.g. wget) seems to operate slightly different between 10.10 and 10.04. But it generally should run on various releases (9.10, 10.04, 10.10).

I'm not too familiar with the debian/Ubuntu package process, but I gather that 'ppa:racb/extra' needs to have a new entry for release 10.10 pointing to 0.6.4b. Not sure how to help with that.
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Re: 0.6.4b builds/runs on ubuntu 10.10 RC

Louis B.
maybe Robie can with the  'ppa:racb/extra' problem over at https://launchpad.net/~racb/+archive/extra

He may not subscribe to this forum/mailing list, so you may need to contact him directly.

Has any body tried this on 64 bit system? i think there may be issues with running on the 64 bit system but I could not reproduce the problem. The svn build may help with these start up issues.

Thanks for help with USB drive.
