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0.6.2 core dumps under jaunty x64

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Re: 0.6.2 core dumps under jaunty x64

Louis B.
367 posts
I am glad this is solved now (Dan does it work OK for you now?).

I don't understand why this effected just PB. Why did not other Open GL programs suffer from this problem? Surely all other programs run with the user permissions (most programs don't have the suid bit set).

Or was this something to do with compiling or running from source? Is this problem specific to PB?


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Re: 0.6.2 core dumps under jaunty x64

Frank Phillips
5 posts
Stellarium now is much faster with the right permissions. Is there some reason PB would segfault if some routine didn't complete fast enough? Stellarium went from <1fps to 25fps.

Actually, glxgears was segfaulting also, but I didn't mention it because it seemed to correlate with whether kernel modesetting was enabled or not. PB didn't - only with libgl version. Which was why I was pushing that some change in libgl broke it.
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Re: 0.6.2 core dumps under jaunty x64

32 posts
In reply to this post by Louis B.
No, I've not tried this out under Jaunty yet as re-installed Intrepid on my laptop and my new netbook has now become my main PB device because its silent unlike my laptop but my netbook (Dell Inspiron 1010 aka Mini 10) is stuck with using Hardy lpia as thats the only distro you can currently get DRI/3D accel working with the Mini 10's intel poulsbo GFX chipset. Its got a half-finished non-free driver and I was NOT impressed as I bought Intel especially because they had such well supported open source xorg drivers- not any more! Hopefully I won't be waiting long for pouslbo support in xorg as I can't use the HDMI port properly yet- it only does 720p but with no sound atm :(